
>?php class CustomArray implements ArrayAccess, Traversable, Iterator, Serializable, Countable { private $container = []; private $position = 0; public function __construct(array $initialData = []) { $this->container = $initialData; $this->rewind(); } // ArrayAccess methods public function offsetExists($offset): bool { return isset($this->container[$offset]); } public function offsetGet($offset): mixed { return isset($this->container[$offset]) ? $this->container[$offset] : null; } public function offsetSet($offset, $value): void { if (is_null($offset)) { $this->container[] = $value; } else { $this->container[$offset] = $value; } } public function offsetUnset($offset): void { unset($this->container[$offset]); } // Traversable and Iterator methods public function current(): mixed { return $this->container[$this->position]; } public function key(): mixed { return $this->position; } public function next(): void { ++$this->position; } public function rewind(): void { $this->position = 0; } public function valid(): bool { return isset($this->container[$this->position]); } // Serializable method public function serialize(): string { return serialize($this->container); } public function unserialize(string $data): void { $this->container = unserialize($data); $this->rewind(); } // Countable method public function count(): int { return count($this->container); } // Additional utility methods public function add($value): void { $this->container[] = $value; } public function remove(int $index): void { array_splice($this->container, $index, 1); } public function toArray(): array { return $this->container; } // Print container content for debugging public function printContainer(): void { print_r($this->container); } // Magic method to convert object to string public function __toString(): string { return json_encode($this->container); } // Convert to array for compatibility with PHP array functions public function toCompatibleArray(): array { return $this->container; } // More utility methods public function map(callable $callback): self { $newContainer = array_map($callback, $this->container); return new self($newContainer); } public function filter(callable $callback): self { $newContainer = array_filter($this->container, $callback); return new self($newContainer); } public function reduce(callable $callback, $initial = null) { return array_reduce($this->container, $callback, $initial); } public function keys(): self { $keys = array_keys($this->container); return new self($keys); } public function values(): self { $values = array_values($this->container); return new self($values); } public function merge(self ...$arrays): self { $merged = $this->toArray(); foreach ($arrays as $array) { $merged = array_merge($merged, $array->toArray()); } return new self($merged); } public function slice(int $start, int $length = null): self { $sliced = array_slice($this->container, $start, $length); return new self($sliced); } public function pop() { return array_pop($this->container); } public function shift() { return array_shift($this->container); } public function push(...$values): int { return array_push($this->container, ...$values); } public function unshift(...$values): int { return array_unshift($this->container, ...$values); } public function inArray($needle, bool $strict = false): bool { return in_array($needle, $this->container, $strict); } public function search($needle, bool $strict = false) { return array_search($needle, $this->container, $strict); } } // 使用 CustomArray $list = new CustomArray(["one", "two", "three"]); // Using ArrayAccess var_dump(isset($list[1])); // 检查索引 1 是否存在 var_dump($list[1]); // 获取索引 1 的值 unset($list[1]); // 删除索引 1 的值 var_dump(isset($list[1])); // 再次检查索引 1 是否存在 $list[1] = "new value"; // 设置索引 1 的新值 var_dump($list[1]); // 获取索引 1 的新值 // Using Iterator echo "\nIterator 输出:\n"; foreach ($list as $key => $value) { echo "$key => $value\n"; } // Using Serializable $serializedList = serialize($list); echo "\n序列化后的字符串:\n"; echo $serializedList . "\n"; $unserializedList = unserialize($serializedList); echo "\n反序列化后的内容:\n"; $unserializedList->printContainer(); // Using Countable echo "\nCountable 输出:\n"; echo "Size: " . count($list) . "\n"; // 兼容 PHP 数组函数 echo "\n使用 PHP 数组函数:\n"; $arrayFunctions = [ 'array_map', 'array_filter', 'array_reduce', 'array_keys', 'array_values', 'array_merge', 'array_slice', 'array_pop', 'array_shift', 'array_push', 'array_unshift', 'in_array', 'array_search', ]; foreach ($arrayFunctions as $func) { try { $result = call_user_func($func, $list->toCompatibleArray(), ...['A value' => 'B value']); if (!is_object($result)) { echo "$func 输出:\n"; print_r($result); } else { echo "$func 输出 (对象):\n"; $result->printContainer(); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { echo "$func 抛出异常: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } } // 使用新增的实用方法 echo "\n使用新增的实用方法:\n"; $mappedList = $list->map(function($item) { return strtoupper($item); }); echo "Mapped List:\n"; $mappedList->printContainer(); $filtered = $mappedList->filter(function($item) { return strlen($item) > 3; }); echo "Filtered List:\n"; $filtered->printContainer(); $reduced = $filtered->reduce(function($carry, $item) { return $carry . ', ' . $item; }, ''); echo "Reduced Result: $reduced\n"; $keys = $list->keys(); echo "Keys:\n"; $keys->printContainer(); $values = $list->values(); echo "Values:\n"; $values->printContainer(); $merged = $list->merge(new CustomArray(['four', 'five'])); echo "Merged List:\n"; $merged->printContainer(); $sliced = $merged->slice(1, 3); echo "Sliced List:\n"; $sliced->printContainer(); $popped = $merged->pop(); echo "Popped Value: $popped\n"; echo "After Pop:\n"; $merged->printContainer(); $shifted = $merged->shift(); echo "Shifted Value: $shifted\n"; echo "After Shift:\n"; $merged->printContainer(); $pushedCount = $merged->push('six', 'seven'); echo "Pushed Count: $pushedCount\n"; echo "After Push:\n"; $merged->printContainer(); $unshiftedCount = $merged->unshift('zero', 'one'); echo "Unshifted Count: $unshiftedCount\n"; echo "After Unshift:\n"; $merged->printContainer(); $containsOne = $merged->inArray('one'); echo "Contains 'one': " . ($containsOne ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n"; $searchIndex = $merged->search('three'); echo "Search 'three': " . ($searchIndex !== false ? $searchIndex : 'not found') . "\n";
最后于 2月前
最新回复 ( 2 )
2月前 2 楼deepseek-r1说:
PHP 的“自指性”:用语言自身解构语言
PHP 的接口体系(如
类正是这一思想的体现:通过 PHP 的语法和接口,重新解释 PHP 数组的本质。这种设计看似是“用 PHP 解释 PHP”,实则揭示了语言的两个核心特性:
1. 接口的抽象性:语言结构的“可描述性”
PHP 的接口为内置类型(如数组)提供了一套「行为模板」。例如:
定义了类似数组的键值访问逻辑; -
定义了可遍历对象的迭代逻辑; -
当你的类实现这些接口时,实际上是在用 PHP 的语法回答以下问题:
数组是一种可通过键访问、可遍历、可序列化、可计数的数据容器。 -
如何用 PHP 描述数组?
这种设计让 PHP 的“数组”概念不再依赖底层 C 实现,而是通过高层接口和类方法显式表达——这便是「语言自指性」的体现。
2. 语义的模糊性:用户代码与内置类型的鸿沟
试图模仿数组,但它的行为与真正的 PHP 数组存在本质差异:差异 1:类型系统的不透明性
php复制// 内置数组的类型检查 $arr = []; var_dump($arr instanceof ArrayAccess); // false var_dump(is_array($arr)); // true // CustomArray 的类型检查 $customArr = new CustomArray(); var_dump($customArr instanceof ArrayAccess); // true var_dump(is_array($customArr)); // false
CustomArray 是一个“像数组的对象”,但无法通过
差异 2:操作符重载的缺失
PHP 不允许重载操作符(如
),因此无法完全模拟数组的运算符行为:php复制$arr1 = [1, 2]; $arr2 = [3, 4]; $custom1 = new CustomArray([1, 2]); $custom2 = new CustomArray([3, 4]); // 内置数组的合并 $mergedArr = $arr1 + $arr2; // 合法 // CustomArray 的合并 $mergedCustom = $custom1 + $custom2; // 语法错误
差异 3:性能与内存模型
内置数组是高度优化的哈希表,直接映射到 C 结构体。
CustomArray 的每个操作(如
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